Category: Online sleep study program
Duration: May-June 2024
Facilitator: Graziele Burmann
Price: ₱5000
Participants will have access to Sleep Playlists to be experienced at home and weekly online meetings to support their processes and offer theoretical background on the Wake-REM state, the Autonomic Nervous System, Brain Wave Entrainment, Developmental Stages and other elements that are needed.
The Sleep Playlists are soundtracks specifically composed to be listened to while sleeping. The overall structure of the track helps the body’s internal mechanisms function. This process might help you improve your sleep quality and consequently your overall emotional and physical health.
For over ten years, Dr. Romy Paredes and Pi Villaraza have explored and researched on the above topics, starting with the book Transformation Medicine which was published in 2013. This current program is borne out of the decade- long conversation between doctors and healers interested in self-facilitated and non-invasive practices that can be accessible to many.
The Program is process-oriented and research-based. Participants will take part in online meetings that prepare them to facilitate themselves at home. The program will harvest important quantitative and qualitative dream feedback which eventually helps bring awareness to what areas of life can be adjusted to reach maximal health.
This program is for:
Patients interested in non-invasive pain management, medium-term recovery and general healing processes
BPO (Call Center) Companies intent on bringing sleep health to its members
All night-shift workers wishing to learn more about circadian rhythms
Insomniacs wanting to understand the states and stages of sleep
Therapists interested in learning how to conduct for their own clients.
What you will need to participate:
A smartphone or computer with Zoom Platform available (we can assist you on how to install it)
Access to spotify or google drive files (the playlists will be shared through a link)
A smartphone or computer to answer the questionnaires
A notebook (digital or physical) to keep your dream journal
A smartphone, computer to listen to the playlist (headsets and speakers are optional)
Dedicate 1h30min to participate/watch our weekly online gatherings (the classes will be recorded in case you cannot be present)
Whatsapp app to engage in our lively group conversations (we can assist you on how to get the app if needed)
Program outline:
Week 1 - May 13 to 19
The Sleep Playlist
WhatsApp group chat is open for ongoing check-ins, questions and general sharings during the entire length of the program.
You will receive:
1 video class to introduce the Sleep Playlist.
1 video instruction on how/why to keep a sleep journal.
1 sleep playlist of 30m.
Sleep/wellbeing questionnaire: in this questionnaire, we access the present information on your sleep quality and general wellbeing prior to the study-experience process. This must be filled up before experiencing the playlist.
No live meeting this week.
Week 2 - May 20 to 26
Gathering Hearts
First online live meeting between Facilitators and Participants. In this meeting, we will get to know each other live and share first outlines on the curriculum.
You will receive:
1 Sleep Playlist of 1h
Week 3 - May 27 to June 2
The Human Body
Getting to know our Brain and Autonomic Nervous System
Mechanisms of co-regulation
Online study class on the topic of the week
1 Sleep Playlist of 2h
Week 4 - June 3 to June 9
Circadian Rhythms and Sleep Cycles
Why and how do we sleep?
Online class on the topic of the week, gathering questions and sharings.
You will receive:
Study continues with the Playlist from prior week
Written module on the topic of the week
Week 5 - June 10 to June 16
The Brain and Brain waves
Understanding the language of the Brain
Accessing the journey so far: we meet online to share observations from our sleep journal
You will receive:
1 questionnaire to access the journey so far
1 Sleep Playlist of 3h
Week 6 - June 17 to June 23
Feedback system and homeostasis
How to help your body optimize health
Online class on the topic of the week, gathering questions and sharings.
You will receive:
Study continues with the Playlist from prior week
Written module on the topic of the week
Week 7 - June 24 to June 30
REM-sleep and Wake-REM
Can we dream while awake?
Online class on the topic of the week, gathering questions and sharings.
You will receive:
1 Sleep Playlist of 3h.
Written module on the topic of the week.
Week 8 - July 1 to July 7
Full circle
Online class to close the journey, accessing journals and sharing experiences.
Final Questionnaire to measure the effects of the Sleep Playlists.