Uncovering how R.E.M. states heal, transform, and remind us of Who We Are, What We Can Be.
Every night, humans Dream so as to Integrate and Create, following their internal rhythms through four stages of sleep. The Dream Space is that which allows perception to see how parts relate to the whole. It is also the body's natural ability to re-organize information and balance its internal flow. During R.E.M. (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep stage, the brain experiences in-depth activity.
The REM.ember project offers workshops and experiences that take participants to witness REM sleep while awake. Through the use of designed Playlists, this new state of Wake-REM offers valid contributions to Learning, Recovery, Creativity and overall Health.
The word "ember" connotes how the subconscious can be invited to ignite inspiration, passion and love for life. Waking up feeling clear, curious and in awe, participants living the dream walk in greater clarity of their purpose for doing, thinking, speaking and moving.

Our programs
We conduct project-based researches and study-experience programs deeply focused on the recovery and healing benefits of induced REM sleep through curated soundscapes designed to mimic the sleep stages. With its starting point in the Philippines, our facilitators can now be found over Asia, Europe, South Africa and The Americas.
group immersions in locus
We open the doors of our centers for groups interested in living the experience and study the process live with our trainors. The programs can take from 2 to 15 days, depending on the design available.
online study-experience process
Weekly online gatherings that offer group support and deeply focused study journeys. Our online trainings can take from 2 months to 1 year.
Designed for participants that are experiencing and studying the process independently within our community.
Online and live meetings with one of our facilitators.
Potentiating Wellbeing and Creativity
Get support on your recovery journey and transit your overall state. Our community offers programs for those recovering from addiction, sleep depravation, anxiety and many other.
Uncover the pathways to your own creativity and transform the world around you and your peers. The Wake-REM experience offers deeply insightful journeys through consciousness.
Find out how to apply the Wake-REM state to enhance your learning process. Our facilitators have been active in schooling systems, supporting students overall health and cognitive development.